File format of mxpl.apps

Each application is described on a line by itself, lines starting with "#" are comments. Each line consists of several fields separated by ";".
A sample mxpl.apps file

# mxpl.apps -- this is a sample application file
# syntax
# <cat> ; <name> ; <path> ;<special file>; <key>,<key2>,... ;<descr>
Methods ; DePoSiTo ; xdeposito;; DePoSiTo; Dense Polymer Simulation Tool
Visualisation ; Analysis tool; xanalyze ;; HMC_poly,DePoSiTo ; Static analysis of configuration
Visualisation ; Molecular Force Microscope; xmfm;; HMC_poly,DePoSiTo; Molecular
Force Microscope
Visualisation ; Vis2D; vis2d;; All; Two dimensional data visualisation with zoom and print
Visualisation ; Fplot; fplot;; All; Two dimensional multiple data visualisation
Configuration ; New;xdpsetup;; Ever; Set up new configurations
Configuration ; Edit;vi_sh;;All; Edit configuration file with text editor
System ; Processor Load; xrload;mxpl.hosts; Ever; Visualisation of processor load

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